Buttons, switches, ICs, and other useful electronic components for your projects.
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 50K. Useful for precision variable resistance.
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 20K. Useful for precision variable resistance.
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 5K ohms. Useful for precision variable resistance.
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 2K ohms. Useful for precision variable resistance.
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 1K ohms. Useful for precision variable resistance.
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 500 ohms. Useful for precision variable resistance.
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 100 ohms. Useful for precision variable resistance.
HEF4543B BCD to 7-segment latch / decoder / driver chip
Trim Potentiometer with multiple turns 10K. Useful for precision variable resistance.
Solar Powered LED projects are easy with the QX5252 Solar LED Driver.
LT1006 Precision Op Amp. Its design has been optimized for single supply operation.
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