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This kit includes the Intel Edison board with an Arduino Breakout, which essentially gives your Edison the ability to interface with Arduino shields or any board with the Arduino footprint.
An Arduino Based RGB Matrix Controller that fits directly onto the back of the RGB Matrix Panel so it saves space while giving you full control of multiple panels.
Want to build a programmable Arduino UNO Robot? This kit is a fantastic base for nearly all wheeled robotics projects! Super-versatile chassis, obstacle avoidance via Ultrasonic sensing, a programmable Arduino UNO as the control board and individually controllable forward/reverse driving for each of the geared wheels! Build a robot with endless...
Be a hero (or at least pretend to be) while defusing this alarm clock and saving the day!
Hackvision is a simple, retro gaming platform based on Arduino technology that you can assemble and connect to your TV. You can write your own games and make your own controllers! Space Invaders and Pong Pre-loaded. Solder and play!
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