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Password Code Combination Keypad Lock Soldering Kit DIY with LCD screen! Assemble your own combination keypad lock to add to your door, drawer, project, etc. Built in screen with prompts to enter code and relay to open / close the door lock solenoid, drawer lock, etc. Instructions not included. Chip comes pre-programmed.
Display images, text or a clock on a spinning globe which looks like a hologram! SMD soldering kit with USB programmer.
Solder this DIY Calculator Kit with Case for a fun project that requires soldering and electronics work.
DIY Pocket Oscilloscope with 2.4 inch color LCD screen, probe and case. Display waveform frequency, period, pulse width, duty ratio, min, max, avg, peak to peak, etc. Put together your own pocket oscilloscope to use your skills for cost savings!
Solder together your own AM/ FM Stereo Radio with this DIY Radio Kit. Comes with a plastic case so once you're finished it's a fully functioning radio you can take anywhere!
Put together an oscilloscope with this Oscilloscope soldering kit.
Solder together your own Tesla coil with this DIY Tesla Coil Soldering Kit. Plug a cable into the audio jack and listen as your tesla coil plays your songs while generating a 0.2 to 0.4 inch arc at the top of the coil!
Solder together this Deluxe christmas tree kit which has 134 LEDs! Built in on/off switch and DC power jack for permanent displaying as well as battery power!
Record and playback sound between 30 and 90 seconds. Speaker and battery clip included. Requires soldering.
The K8055 interface board has 5 digital input channels and 8 digital output channels. In addition, there are two analogue inputs and two analogue outputs with 8 bit resolution.
Solder together this Universal Variable Power Supply to transform a 7 - 16 V DC battery voltage down to a 5 - 14 V DC regulated voltage for your projects.
Place this shield on top of your Arduino to give it internet connectivity!
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