

Password Code Combination Keypad Lock Soldering Kit DIY

Password Code Combination Keypad Lock Soldering Kit DIY with LCD screen! Assemble  your own combination keypad lock to add to your door, drawer, project, etc. Built in screen with prompts to enter code and relay to open / close the door lock solenoid, drawer lock, etc. Instructions not included. Chip comes pre-programmed.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/25/2025





  • Built in relay to turn on/off a solenoid lock or other electronic device when the code is entered correctly
  • 6 digit password that can be changed
  • Instructions not included. Chip comes pre-programmed. For electronics professionals.
  • Buzzer
  • Indicator LED indicator module
  • Chipset: AT24C02
  • Saves the stored password even when not connected to power
  • If the password is entered incorrectly 3 times, the buzzer will sound and the alarm will be locked
  • Keypad input
  • 1602 LCD display
  • Indicator light to show when the relay is engaged or not
  • Relay has normally open normally closed contact that can be connected with external solenoids to lock / unlock a door, drawer, box, etc.
  • There is an administrator password so even if you forget the password you've set it can be retrieved.
  • Backlit display that lights up at night and is dark during the day to save energy while being able to see the screen clearly even in a dark room!
  • Power Input: 3V to 5V DC
  • Relay Information:
    • Relay Type: SPDT
    • Control Voltage: 5VDC
    • Max Switching Current:10A
    • Max Switching Voltage: 110VDC / 250VAC
    • Coil Power: 0.45W
    • Pin Arrangement: C:1 (NO/NC)
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