

32kHz Crystal Maximize

32kHz Crystal

32.768kHz crystal like the ones used in standard real time clocks and watches. Allows you to detect when exactly one second has passed.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/27/2025





  • Standard 'Watch' or Real-Time-Clock crystal
  • 32.768kHz (32768Hz) means it is precisely half of a 16-bit counter
  • Start counting at 0×8000 (or 32768) and when the counter rolls over from 65535 to 0, it means exactly one second has passed.
  • Load capacitance: 12.5pF
  • Series resistance: max 35K ohm, typical 18K ohm 
  • Stability: +/- 20ppm
  • Package: Cylindrical 2 lead
  • Can be used with interrupts to make a project do something every second and keep track of time accurately.
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