3.5" Pi TFT Touch Screen LCD Hat for Raspberry Pi
Place this 3.5" Touch Screen on top of your Raspberry Pi 4, 3, 2, A+, B+, A or B and you'll have a beautiful color touch display.
Place this 3.5" Touch Screen on top of your Raspberry Pi 4, 3, 2, A+, B+, A or B and you'll have a beautiful color touch display.
This 3.5" Touch Screen Hat fits right on top of the Raspberry Pi and uses the GPIO pins for both display and touch input. Just place the 3.5" Touch Screen Shield on top of your Raspberry Pi, load the Pi's SD card with the custom image found at the link at the bottom and you'll boot directly into the desktop! Use your finger to move the mouse pointer on the screen! The custom image makes this the easiest touch screen setup! If you still prefer to install your own drivers on your existing Raspbian image, follow the directions on the driver install tutorial link at the bottom.
Driver Install Instructions: http://www.lcdwiki.com/3.5inch_RPi_Display