

HeatnBond UltraHold Iron-On Adhesive Tape, 7/8 in wide x 30ft Maximize

HeatnBond UltraHold Iron-On Adhesive Tape, 7/8 in wide x 30ft

Iron-on adhesive tape for wearable projects. Bond two materials together without sewing by placing the HeatnBond tape between them and heating with an iron.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/26/2025





  • Heatnbond Iron-on adhesive tape
  • To adhere fabric to other materials without sewing place the tape down and iron to adhere!
  • Tape width: 7/8 inch
  • Tape Length: 30 feet
  • Usage instructions:
    • Pre-wash all materials without fabric softeners
    • Pre-heat iron to medium heat, no steam. Place adhesive on back of material to be bonded. (Paper liner face up)
    • PLace and hold iron on paper liner for 2 seconds. Repeat until entire surface is bonded. Cool and peel off paper liner.
    • Place material, adhesive side down on top of project. Press and hold iron for 8 seconds on each section until entire piece is bonded.
    • Iron only 6 seconds for light fabrics. Iron thick fabrics an additional 2 seconds from the back of the project.
    • Tips: Do Not Sew!
  • Useful for wearable projects, costumes and electronic fashion pieces.
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