

Greeting Card Sound Module Maximize

Greeting Card Sound Module

Record a custom greeting and add to your greeting cards this season! Press button 1 to record, press button 2 to playback! Batteries included!

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/29/2025




Record a custom greeting or sound. This sound module has everything you need in a single package. Press the 1st button and record your message after the LED lights up and you hear a beep. Afterwards, anytime someone presses the button, the recorded audio will play! A great holiday addition to add a customized message to any gift!


  • Onboard microphone
  • Batteries Included
  • 1 button to record, 1 button to play
  • Red LED light to indicate recording
  • Easy to use and fun to receive with a card or gift
  • Don't just gift a gift, give a personalized message this season!
  • Play Life: 200 plays
  • Power: 2 coin cell batteries (included)
  • Recording time: 10 seconds
  • Speaker diameter: 4cm
  • Net Weight: 17.6g

Usage Instructions:

  1. Press and hold the red wired button 
  2. You'll hear a single beep
  3. Record your message(while still holding the button)
  4. Release the button
  5. You'll hear 2 beeps indicating the message has been recorded
  6. Press the yellow wired button to play your message


Troubleshooting tip: If you hear rapid beeping when pressing the red wired button or skipping when pressing the yellow button, it's time to replace the batteries.

So for an easy school project, our teacher has us making a light up greeting card to send to an actively serving person in the US military. I was gonna spend some extra money to upgrade my card quite a bit, and I want to know how many seconds of audio this chip can record and play back before I buy it. Thanks in advance.
It can record up to 10 seconds of audio.
Default User Icon Oof Kid · 12/02/2021
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