EMG Muscle Sensor
Detect muscle activity with this EMG Muscle Sensor. Attach an electrode cable and it will tell when a muscle is contracted!
Detect muscle activity with this EMG Muscle Sensor. Attach an electrode cable and it will tell when a muscle is contracted!
Arduino Sample Code for controlling a servo motor by measuring muscle activity when opening and closing your hand:
#include <Servo.h>
//Threshold for servo motor control with muscle sensor.
//You can set a threshold according to the maximum and minimum values of the muscle sensor.
#define THRESHOLD 250
//Pin number where the sensor is connected. (Analog 1)
#define EMG_PIN 1
//Pin number where the servo motor is connected. (Digital PWM 3)
#define SERVO_PIN 3
//Define Servo motor
Servo SERVO_1;
/*-------------------------------- void setup ------------------------------------------------*/
void setup(){
//BAUDRATE set to 115200, remember it to set monitor serial properly.
//Used this Baud Rate and "NL&CR" option to visualize the values correctly.
//Set servo motor to digital pin 3
/*-------------------------------- void loop ------------------------------------------------*/
void loop(){
//The "Value" variable reads the value from the analog pin to which the sensor is connected.
int value = analogRead(EMG_PIN);
//If the sensor value is GREATER than the THRESHOLD, the servo motor will turn to 170 degrees.
if(value > THRESHOLD){
//If the sensor is LESS than the THRESHOLD, the servo motor will turn to 10 degrees.
//You can use serial monitor to set THRESHOLD properly, comparing the values shown when you open and close your hand.