

SIM808 GSM/GPRS & GPS Module (Raspberry Pi & Arduino Compatible) Maximize

SIM808 GSM/GPRS & GPS Module (Raspberry Pi & Arduino Compatible)

Add this SIM808 GSM / GPRS / GPS Module to your projects to use a GSM cell phone network for wireless communications and get your project's GPS coordinates for location tracking!

More details

Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/09/2025





  • Connectors on board:
    • Micro USB port for programming
    • DC Power Jack: 5V - 26V DC (when using 5V power, be sure that your power supply can provide at least 2A of current)
    • Power Switch
    • GSM Antenna (SMA connector)
    • GPS Antenna (SMA connector)
    • BT Antenna (SMA connector)
    • Start Button (labelled "POWKEY")
    • TTL serial header pins: 
      • GPRS TTL pins
      • GPS TTL pins
    • TTL Voltage Level Selector Pins
      • VCC_MCU: Used to control the TTL voltage the board will run at. Make sure it matches your system voltage ( 1.25V/3.3V /5V ) For example, when the board is connected to a 5V Microcontoller such as Arduino, VCC_MCU should be connected to 5V and when connected to a Raspberry Pi, VCC_MCU should be connected to the 3.3V.
      • GND: 0V
    • 3.5mm Mic jack
    • 3.5mm Epp jack

 Also now features a vibration motor on board!

  • Boot up Sequence:
  1. After powering on, the indicator LED (PWR) will light up.
  2. Press and hold the start button until the other three LEDs light up.
  3. Once the LED starts flashing, you know the SIM808 has begun working. 
  4. When the power supply, antenna and SIM card are connected to the module correctly, the LED will flash during boot (1 second on, 1 second off) 
  5. Afterwards, a slow flash (1 second on, 3 seconds off) will indicate that the module is registered to the network.

When using the GPS functionality, send the command AT+CGPSINF=* (where * is replaced by your command value, see the AT instruction set) to get the longitude and latitude information through the GPRS TTL interface. You can also get longitude and latitude information via NEMA data through the GPS TTL level interface.

Note: GPS functionality is off by default. When using the GPS function, send the following two AT commands to turn on the GPS functionality: AT+CGPSPWR=1 and AT+CGPSRST=1
These two instructions are used to power on GPS functionality and reset the GPS. Then, the GPS TTL level interface will send data out with the default baud rate of 115200(you can send an AT command to change the baud rate).

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