I/O Relay Shield for Arduino
Place this shield on top of your Arduino UNO to give it 6 Relay Outputs to control things up to 120V & 1A, 6 Digital Inputs and 6 Analog Inputs all with Screw Terminals right onboard!
Place this shield on top of your Arduino UNO to give it 6 Relay Outputs to control things up to 120V & 1A, 6 Digital Inputs and 6 Analog Inputs all with Screw Terminals right onboard!
This I/O Shield for Arduino is great when you want neat inputs and outputs to the Arduino UNO. With the I/O Shield you can easily connect loose wires into your Arduino UNO securely without worrying about them coming loose. In addition, you can hook up thick or stranded wire into your Arduino with ease using the onboard Screw-Terminals for each input. Onboard relays allow you to control things up to 120V & 1 A without burning our your Arduino! The LEDs allow for easy debugging showing you exactly when each port is on or off!