

4x4 16 Key Button Matrix Module (Arduino & Raspberry Pi Compatible) Maximize

4x4 16 Key Button Matrix Module (Arduino & Raspberry Pi Compatible)

Use this 4x4 Button Matrix module to easily add 16 buttons to your projects! Nicely arranged and with only 8 pins to read all 16 button presses, this is a great way to add 16 user inputs in a single package. Arduino & Raspberry Pi compatible.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/03/2025




This 4x4 button matrix module is great for adding a 16 button matrix to your project. With 8 pins you can read 16 inputs. When any button in the matrix is pressed, a combination of pins will be connected so you can identify which one has been pressed. Neat to work with and useful for user interaction projects.


  • 4x4 Button Matrix Module for Arduino & Raspberry Pi
  • 16 Tactile Buttons
  • 8 output pins that connect to your microcontroller
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