

Slide Pot Module (Arduino Compatible) Maximize

Slide Pot Module (Arduino Compatible)

This Dual Output Slide Potentiometer Module has 2 identical sets of 3 pins. Wire up VCC to Power, GND to 0V and the signal pin will give you a varying voltage depending on high or low you slide it.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 02/16/2025




This Slide Potentiometer Module is great for controlling 2 things at once! Just 3 pinsfor each of the 2 outputs: Power, Ground and signal with easy to connect header pins.


  • Dual Output Slide Potentiometer Module
  • Resistance: 10K
  • Pinout:
    • VCC: Power (3.3V or 5V)
    • GND: 0V
    • OTA: Analog Signal 1 (Varies depending on where the knob is)
    • VCC: Power (3.3V or 5V)
    • GND: 0V
    • OTB: Analog Signal 2 (Varies depending on where the knob is)
  • Large Knob for ease of use
  • Can have different power voltages for each of the 2 outputs

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