

Solenoid Air Valve 12V

Air valve to control gas / air flow. Electromagnetic solenoid valve powered by 12V DC.

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Last Updated: 03/29/2025





  • Solenoid Air Valve
  • Works for controlling air / gas flow
  • Size: 0.8" x 0.6" x 0.5" ( 2 x 1.5 x 1.2cm)
  • Rated voltage: 12V DC
  • Rated current: less than 45mA
  • Deflation speed: less than 3 seconds (time required to go from 300mmHg to 15mmHg in 500cc pressure)
  • Pressure range: 0 to 350mmHg
  • Insulation resistance: 50Ω
  • Insulation Class: A
  • Sealing: In the 500CC vessel inflation pressure from 0 After to 300 mmHg to stop inflation, measured for 30 seconds after the stability of the pressure reduction value of less than 5mmHg / min.
  • Fluid type: air / gas
  • Life: 500CC container, inflatable exhaust 5 seconds to 10 seconds a lap test more than 50,000 times
  • Operating temperature range: 0C to 55C
  • Noise: <60dB
  • Power:  less than 1 watt
The metal rod/cylinder that is perpendicular to the two plastic gas ports, and at the opposite end of the unit; is this another port or opening to the gas flow, or is this the solenoid travel shaft or a mounting rod of some sort? I just want to check if this valve has only one inlet and outlet port, or switches between the third port opening to the gas flow.
The metal rod is one of the inputs. When the power is off, the metal rod connects to the middle white plastic port. When the power is on, the two plastic white ports are connected and the metal rod is blocked. Take a look at this image to understand the airflow.
Default User Icon Luke · 01/29/2021
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