

Large Perfboard Solder Prototype Board Maximize

Large Perfboard Solder Prototype Board

This Large Perfboard Solder Prototype Board is 2 3/4" x 3 3/4". The perfect solution for prototyping neatly by soldering your own circuit board!

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/09/2025




This Large Perfboard Solder Prototype Board measures 2.75" x 3.74" (7cm x 9cm). You can solder your own components onto this single sided copper-clad prototype circuit board to save space in your projects. After testing on a breadboard, transfer your circuit onto this Perfboard Solder Prototype Board to make it permanent, neat (you can decrease the amount of wires in your project), and save space by having your components side by side!
  • Perforated one-sided copper-clad prototype circuit board
  • Each hole is a solder point
  • 0.1" / 2.5 mm spacing (compatible with our Breakaway Male Header Pins and Female Header Pins )
  • Dimensions : 2 3/4" x 3 3/4" x 1/16" (70mm x 95mm x 1mm)
  • Mounting Holes:
    • Screw Size: #6 Screw
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