

Sewable Button for Lilypad Maximize

Sewable Button for Lilypad

Sew to the pads on this button using conductive thread. Ideal for Arduino Lilypad and e-textile projects.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/25/2025




This momentary button is great for simple e-textile products. Sew to both pads using conductive thread and when you press the button, the 2 threads will become connected. Easy to use and ideal for Lilypad, Flora, and other E-textile projects.


  • Large metal pads for easy sewing
  • Works great with conductive thread
  • Momentary Pushbutton (when the button is pressed, the 2 pads are connected internally)
  • Compatible with Arduino Lilypad, Lilytiny, Flora, Gemma and all other e-textile types!


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