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These add-on boards are designed to fit right on top of the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins. No wiring necessary to hook up to your pi.
items: 10122050
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Put this Gameboy Style Gamepad Hat on top of your Raspberry Pi to turn your Pi into a Gameboy Style Pocket Videogame player! Comes fully assembled, sits on top of the Raspberry Pi's 40 pin GPIO port.
Attach this Lipo Battery Power Hat on top or below your Raspberry Pi with the included standoffs to easily interface with Lipo batteries up to 3800mah. Allows you to power your Pi and one other USB item from a Lipo Battery as well as charge it. Built in charging circuit & boost circuit in a Raspberry Pi form factor!
Power your Pi and get network connectivity all through the same cable with this PoE Switch Hat for Raspberry Pi.
e Ink / ePaper Display Raspberry Pi Hat measuring 2.7 inches. Low power consumption and stays locked on the last loaded screen even when not powered!
Want High-Quality Audio Output for the Raspberry Pi? This Hifi Audio Card fits directly on top of your Raspberry Pi's 40 Pin GPIO pins! Save space with this Hifi DAC Hat for Raspberry Pi.
Pop this Prototyping Hat on top of your Raspberry Pi Zero, 2, A+ or B+ to give your circuits a super quick connect/disconnect from the Raspberry Pi. You can solder your projects directly onto the protohat and pop them on/off your Raspberry Pi without any wiring! Useful for quickly swapping out your Raspberry Pi between projects.
Place this Pi Sense Hat on top your Raspberry Pi to add an 8x8 RGB LED matrix, five-button joystick, gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, temperature sensor, barometric pressure sensor and humidity sensor.
Control Servos and DC Motors directly from your Raspberry Pi with this Servo / PWM Hat.
Place this 5" Touch Screen on top of your Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, 3 Model B+, 3 Model A+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, 2, A+, B+ and you'll have a beautiful color touch display.
Place this Gamepad Controller on top of your Raspberry Pi for instant gaming controls! Capacitive Touch so even the lightest of fingerpresses are registered.
Pop this Prototyping Hat on top of your Raspberry Pi to give your circuits a super quick connect/disconnect from the Raspberry Pi. You can solder your projects directly onto the protoshield and pop them on/off your Raspberry Pi without any wiring! Useful for quickly swapping out your Raspberry Pi between projects.
Place this 2.8" Touch Screen on top of your Raspberry Pi 2, A+, B+, A or B and you'll have a beautiful color touch display.
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