

BBC Micro Bit V2 GO Bundle 10 Pack Bulk / Wholesale Starter Kit

10 BBC Micro Bit V2 GO Bundle pack for enterprise, school, wholesale. Each Bundle Includes the BBC Micro Bit V2, USB cable, battery holder & 2xAAA batteries.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/26/2025




Instead of $340.75

  • BBC Micro Bit V2 Go Bundle 10 Pack
  • Quantity: 10 Bundles
  • Each Bundle Includes:
    • 1 x micro:bit
    • 1 x USB cable
    • 1 x Battery holder
    • 2 x AAA batteries
  • Microphone and speaker
  • Microprocessor: 32-bit ARM® Cortex™ M0 CPU
  • A 5x5 LED matrix with 25 red LEDs to light up and can display animiated patterns, scrolling text and alphanumeric characters
  • Two programmable buttons. Use them as a game controller, or control music on a smart phone such as pause and skipping songs on a playlist
  • On-board motion detector or 3-AXIS digital accelerometer that can detect movement e.g. shake, tilt or free-fall
  • A built-in compass, 3D magnetometer to sense direction and your movement in degrees also the presence of certain metals and magnets
  • Bluetooth® Smart Technology. Connect the micro:bit to other micro:bits, devices, phones, tablets, cameras and other everday objects
  • Five Ring Input and Output (I/O) including power (PWR), ground (GRD) and 3 x I/O. To read values from sensors and control things like motors or robots
  • 20 pin edge connector: This allows the micro:bit to be connected to other devices such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Galileo and Kano through a standard connector
  • Micro-USB controller: This is controlled by a separate processor and presents the micro:bit to a computer as a memory stick
  • System LED x 1 yellow
  • System push button switch x 2
  • Programmable via Python
  • Compatible with Windows 7 or later & Mac OS X 10.6 or later
  • You can use your BBC micro:bit for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments
  • Can detect motion and tell you which direction you’re heading in
  • Can use a low energy Bluetooth connection to interact with other devices and the Internet
  • 10 x micro:bit
  • 10 x USB cable
  • 10 x Battery holder
  • 20 x AAA batteries
  • 10 x User guide
  • Board Size: approx. 5cm x 4cm
  • Board Weight: 8g
How do you program the BBC Micro Bit?
  1. Step 1: Connect your BBC micro:bit to your computer. Connect the small end of the USB cable to the micro USB port on your BBC micro:bit.
  2. Step 2: Compile your script.
  3. Step 3: Transfer the file to your BBC micro:bit.

  • Getting started - Link
  • In depth look at BBC Micro:Bits hardware - Link
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