

Piezo Buzzer - PS1240 3V to 30V

This PS1240 Piezo Buzzer works great for breadboarding projects since it fits right into a breadboard or perfboard. Give it a square wave signal from 3V to 30V and you'll hear it buzz. Arduino Compatible.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 03/26/2025




This standard Piezo Electric Transducer is a buzzer. Most piezo electric transducers, including this one, require an AC or alternating signal to power them. Just hook this buzzer up to a 3V - 30V AC power source and your projects will have sound!

  • Operating Voltage: 3V-30V AC (Alternating current)
  • Frequency Range: 2KHz to 10KHz
  • Dimensions:
    • Diameter: 11.9mm
    • Height: 6.53mm
  • Weight: 0.70g/0.02oz
  • Connector Type: Wire Leads
  • Colour: Black


Want to use this Buzzer with a DC power source? Below you'll find a simple oscillator circuit to get this buzzer running with a 555 timer, 2 resistors and a capacitor. Otherwise, just pick up one of our Solid State Buzzers with a built in oscillator circuit!

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