

Arduino UNO R3 Maximize

Arduino UNO R3

The Arduino UNO is the most common Atmega328P Breakout Board. This board uses the same chip as the Pro Mini, but in a more beginner-friendly large size like you'll find on many online tutorials and project outlines. Great for total beginners looking to get started with Arduino.

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 02/16/2025




The Arduino UNO is the most commonly referenced Arduino board. Great for complete beginners looking to follow online tutorials and build beginner projects to get familiar with the Arduino framework.

Looking for a smaller size and more cost effective UNO solution? The Pro Mini Atmega328P Breakout Board uses the same exact chip in just 1/3 the size!


  • Beginner Arduino Board
  • ATmega328P running at 5V/16MHz
  • Supported in the Arduino Programming Software (IDE)
  • Onboard USB A port (grab an Arduino USB Cable to plug into your computer)
  • 6 Analog I/O Pins
  • 14 Digital I/O Pins (6 are PWM capable)
  • Rx and Tx Hardware Serial Connections
  • Supports unregulated Power Supplies up to 12V via the onboard DC jack. (use this 9V DC Adapter for wall powering your Arduino UNO)
  • Made in Italy.



  • Main Chip: Atmega328P
  • Input Power Supply: Accepts 7V - 12V via the onboard DC jack for powering the board
  • Operating Voltage: 5V (same as all other Arduino-based boards)
  • Frequency: 16Mhz
  • Comprable to the UNO R3 (Arduino Compatible) board and other Atmega328P Breakouts
  • When Programming via Arduino IDE, be sure to select board type: Arduino UNO
  • Dimensions: 2.7 in × 2.1 in (68.6 mm × 53.3 mm)


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