

ArduPilot APM 2.8 Drone / UAV Flight Controller with Case

The ArduCopter/ArduPilot Mega APM 2.8 Flight Controller Board is an Arduino-based Drone/UAV Single/Tri/Quad/Hex/Octocopter flight control board! Unmanned flight was never easier! Award-winning complete open source autopilot system,capable of performing programmed GPS missions with waypoints. Includes magnetometer, 3-axis gyro, accelerometer and high-performance barometer. Case Included!

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Availability: SHIPS TODAY

Last Updated: 07/26/2024




With the ArduCopter / ArduPilot Mega APM 2.8 Drone / UAV Flight Controller, turn any fixed, rotary wing or multirotor into a fully autonomous one! The ArduCopter APM 2.8 Flight Controller Board is perfect for quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, planes, tricopters and regular helicopters! Just plug your ESC (speed controllers) into the Outputs and program via microUSB for stabilized flight using the onboard compass (magnetometer), 3-axis gyro, accelerometer and barometer!

Add on our GPS module with compass for your drone / unmanned-autonomus-vehicle to fly a programmed path missions using GPS coordinates as waypoints! Auto-home return and positioning with 2.5 meter accuracy!


  • Arduino Compatible! Programmable via microUSB.
  • Onboard compass, 3-axis gyro, accelerometer and magnetometer, along with a high-performance barometer
  • 4 MB Dataflash chip ( for automatic data-logging )
  • Compatible with off-board GPS module with Compass, allowing distant mounting from motors to prevent motor's magnetic interference with the compass (This is new for version 2.6)
  • One of the first open-source autopilot systems to use Invensense's 6 DoF Accelerometer/Gyro MPU-6000
  • Barometric pressure sensor onboard: MS5611-01BA03
  • Uses the ATMEGA2560 and ATMEGA32U-2 for processing and usb functions respectively
  • Pin Position: Top Entry (as shown in photo)



  • Ardupilot APM 2.8
  • Main Chip: Atmega2560 (same as the Arduino Mega)
  • Secondary Chip: Atmega32U-2
  • Onboard additions:
    • Compass
    • Barometer: MS5611-01BA03
    • 3 Axis Gyro and Accelerometer: MPU-6000
  • Downloadable Mission Planner Software enables:
    • Point-and-click waypoint entry using Google Maps
    • Camera Gimbal Control
    • Swarming
    • Python Scripting
    • Geo-tagging Images
    • Downloading mission log files and analyzing them
    • Easy-select board configuration for your vehicle type:
      • Rover/Car
      • Plane
      • Standard heli
      • Tricopter
      • Quadcopter
      • Hexacopter
      • Octocopter
    • Interfacing with a flight simulator to create a full hardware-in-the-loop Drone flight simulator
    • Select mission commands using drop-down menus
    • View serial terminal output
    • Multiple flight modes:
        • Stabilize
        • Alt Hold
        • Loiter (& OF_loiter)
        • RTL (Return-to-Launch)
        • Auto
        • Acro
        • Sport
        • Drift
        • Guided
        • Circle
        • Position
        • Land
        • Follow Me
        • Simple and Super Simple
  • The APM 2.8 is an upgrade to the APM 2.6 with a compass added, changes to the 3.3V regulator, an added compass connection next to the GPS connector and now the old connector is available for multipurpose use.
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