USB to TTL Serial Cable (For Raspberry Pi Debugging)
Use this USB to TTL Serial Cable to for debugging on the Raspberry Pi. This is the best way to log into the console and see what your Raspberry Pi is up to.
Use this USB to TTL Serial Cable to for debugging on the Raspberry Pi. This is the best way to log into the console and see what your Raspberry Pi is up to.
This USB to TTL Serial Cable is useful for connecting to your Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black or any other device that uses a TTL Serial connection. With this cable, you'll be able to see what your Raspberry Pi is doing by logging into the debug console. This means you can use the command line to interact with your Raspberry Pi. This is very useful for troubleshooting Raspberry Pi issues! When using with Windows, just download and open up PuTTY, select Serial as the connection type, then type in the COM port your cable is assigned to (you can check this in Device Manager) and the baud rate of 115200. Default Raspberry Pi Login credentials are:
User: pi
Password: raspberry
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