RGB Color Sensor with IR filter and White LED - TCS34725
Detect the color of an object using this Color Sensor. Very popular in school electronics classes and interactive projects. Arduino & Raspberry Pi compatible.
Detect the color of an object using this Color Sensor. Very popular in school electronics classes and interactive projects. Arduino & Raspberry Pi compatible.
Add this Color Sensor to your electronic projects to determine what color is in front of the sensor. This can be used to scan items by color or trigger different events when a different colored object is placed under the sensor. A fun addition to college projects, interactive artwork and maze navigating robots!
Note: On older Arduinos such as the Duemilanove and pre R3 UNOs, SDA is on Analog 4 and SCL is on Analog 5. On pre-R2 Megas, SDA is on Digtital 20 and SCL is on digital 21. For the Leonardo, SDA is digital pin 2 and SCL is digital pin 3.
Raspberry Pi -> Color Sensor Wiring: